first glimpse instant attraction/ she acted as if my interest was a common reaction/ she took satisfaction in knowin she was beautiful/ twisted up the blessing and then used it as a tool/ of manipulation/ and I was blind to her aim/ she was very athletic but yet excelled at the mind game/ lame excuse but it's the truth come on I mean I was young and naive and would have believed anything/ when it came to sweetheart she had me wrapped around her little finger and my mind was tapped/ nonetheless I'm to blame obviously/ I was confused and chose stupidity over patiently waiting/ dag how could I not see/ that tryin' to fill a God-size void with a female would only leave me empty/ but I did it anyways like a stupid human I fell/ by the way, what's her name?/ they call her Jezebel
Jezebel, who? Jezebell, come on who is she what is she? man, it's hard to tell
second glimpse still attracted but I'm not quite sure/ been playin' games with Jezebel, but now I question what for/ before it was her motivation that wasn't quite clear/ but now I'm askin' myself Reuben who's the one at fault here, see I'm no fool so why do I remain/ in a relationship with all to lose/ but yet nothin' to gain except/ headache heartache and an occasional where you been/ Jezebell, where'd you hear that? from a friend/ frontin' godliness miss why you posin'/ she loved material things but her favorite was sheep skin clothin' so then what can I say her charm fades by the day/ and I'm wonderin' to myself whatever twisted me to stay/ strayed for a moment now it's time to let go/ though my will power is weak there's one thing I know/ the greater is He that is in me than he who's in this world/ and it wasn't the he in me that hooked it up with this girl
Life must go and the dawn of a new day was arrivin'/ I opened up my eyes then started realizin'/ that my vision was blurred so there will be no third glimpse after two n a half I think I came to my sense/ so with this I think it's time we parted/ and dismiss somethin' we should have never started/ so miss I think I'll say fairwell one last time for the books, her name is what? Jezebel